Sono sempre stata un'amante dell'invero, amo l'atmosfera natalizia, amo la neve ma più di tutto amo poter giocare con le sovrapposizioni.
Per questo motivo questa settimana mi sono data allo shopping "pesante", uno splendido montone con maniche in eco pelle, rigorosamente total black, con mega reverse e inserti elasticizzati.
Lo immagino già nei miei look fatti di printed pants e maxi cardigan e maglioni. Tanto per cambiare l'ho acquistato su ASOS, uno dei miei siti per lo shopping online preferiti, come sapete.
I've always been a lover of winter, I love the Christmas atmosphere, I love the snow but most of all I love to play with overlaps.
For this reason, this week I dedicated myself to shopping "heavy", a beautiful mutton with faux leather sleeves, strictly all black, with maxi reverse and stretch details.
I imagine it already in my looks made of printed pants and maxi cardigans and sweaters. For a change, I bought it on ASOS, one of my favorite sites for online shopping, as you know.
I've always been a lover of winter, I love the Christmas atmosphere, I love the snow but most of all I love to play with overlaps.
For this reason, this week I dedicated myself to shopping "heavy", a beautiful mutton with faux leather sleeves, strictly all black, with maxi reverse and stretch details.
I imagine it already in my looks made of printed pants and maxi cardigans and sweaters. For a change, I bought it on ASOS, one of my favorite sites for online shopping, as you know.
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RIVER ISLAND Black jacket, € 94.35 , HERE |
Altro acquisto fondamentale sono stati un paio di stivali neri in pelle a gamba alta tubolare. Ve ne avevo parlato QUI. Sono uno dei must dell'inverno '13/'14 , ma più di tutto sono un must per il mio armadio. Da abbinare a longuette, leggings e skinny jeans, sono perfetti per pomeriggi di shopping (quando non compro su Asos) e serate mondane. Ovviamente con il tacco ma non eccessivamente alti, punta stondata e una classe infinita.
Qui un simil-low cost solo per voi.
Other key purchasing a pair of black leather boots with high leg tubes. I talked about HERE.
They are one of the must-have of winter '13/'14, but most of all they are a must for my wardrobe. Combine with longuette, leggings and skinny jeans are perfect for afternoons of shopping (when I do not buy on Asos) and social evenings. Obviously heeled but not too high, round toe and classy endless .
Here a-like low cost only for you.
Other key purchasing a pair of black leather boots with high leg tubes. I talked about HERE.
They are one of the must-have of winter '13/'14, but most of all they are a must for my wardrobe. Combine with longuette, leggings and skinny jeans are perfect for afternoons of shopping (when I do not buy on Asos) and social evenings. Obviously heeled but not too high, round toe and classy endless .
Here a-like low cost only for you.
"Una leggenda attribuisce l'invenzione dei guanti alle Grazie, che chiamate in soccorso da Venere, ferita alle mani, le avrebbero cucito delle bende attorno alle dita. Imposto da necessità climatiche presso le antiche popolazioni settentrionali, il guanto ebbe in ogni tempo utilizzazioni e significati diversissimi. Le popolazioni dell'Asia offrivano guanti preziosi come tributo ai Faraoni, e nella tomba di Tut-ankh-amon sono stati trovati guanti di lino da bimbo, il che dimostra come essi avessero anche un uso pratico."
Ringrazio la prontezza di chi ha inventato questo splendido accessorio, tra i preferiti di molti stilisti, il più famoso Karl Lagerfeld, e scelgo per il mio inverno uno stile chiaramente rock.
Declinato in più varianti, questo è quello che sceglierò.
"A legend attributes the invention of gloves to the Graces, who called in to help by Venus, injured her hand, they would have sewed bandages around her fingers. Imposed by seasonal requirements at the old northern populations, the glove was at all times and uses very different meanings. populations of Asia offered precious gloves as a tribute to the Pharaohs, and in the tomb of Tut-ankh-amon were found gloves of flax as a child, which shows that they also had a practical use. "
I thank the readiness of the people who invented this wonderful accessory, a favorite of many designers, the most famous Karl Lagerfeld, and I choose for my winter a clearly rock style.
Declined in most variants, this is what I will choose.
"A legend attributes the invention of gloves to the Graces, who called in to help by Venus, injured her hand, they would have sewed bandages around her fingers. Imposed by seasonal requirements at the old northern populations, the glove was at all times and uses very different meanings. populations of Asia offered precious gloves as a tribute to the Pharaohs, and in the tomb of Tut-ankh-amon were found gloves of flax as a child, which shows that they also had a practical use. "
I thank the readiness of the people who invented this wonderful accessory, a favorite of many designers, the most famous Karl Lagerfeld, and I choose for my winter a clearly rock style.
Declined in most variants, this is what I will choose.
Ce belli gli stivali su Sarenza!
belli gli stivali!